
"Frankie" Finally Found!

Universal Studios- Wikimedia
After years and years of searching for this rumored monster, he was finally found by META park rangers. Frankie, as nicknamed by our crew, was discovered laying wearyi in an icy cave in Northern Russia. During our adventures into the Arctic Circle in search for the cryptic Liel Ursus maritimus, or Giant Polar Bear in Latin, we came across an inpass in a deep trench. Explorer and META official James Leo found Frankie on the verge of death. We placed him in our traveling kennel and brought him back to our headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Our crew have taken good care of him. We don't know why he was in the Arctic Circle. His body is cold-blooded, meaning that he should be found in areas such as Souther Europe and Africa. A monster of his kind being found in the Arctic Russia shows that his life was not that easy. His innocent and curious nature shows that he was isolated and desolated as a young monster. The horror he has survived through shows his diligence. He will very much be taken good care of in St. Louis. It is our mission to save these monsters that are in the same amount of pain and agony.

Does Pokemon Represent Monster Cruelty?

Julia Rainier- Wikimedia
Ever since Satoshi Tajiri created the legendary franchise that is known as Pokemon, a question has been raised about the ethics of such a show. This show represents these "pocket monsters" being trained by owners and being placed in fights against other similar monsters. Does this show monster cruelty? We at META believe that Pokemon shows the true side of what happens to monsters everyday. These Pokemon are released to fight against their will. They are forced to use special moves that they learn to defeat an enemy. But, in the end, there will be a loser. These defeated monsters usually have several wounds and bruises after a defeat. Actions like these are dehumanizing for the monsters and defy all ethics in monster treatment. This also encourages actions such as dog-fights and monster wager brawls. Not only this, but these Pokemon are forced to fit into tiny balls named "Poke-balls" when inactive. No official of Pokemon has released any information as to what happens in these Poke-balls. As far as we know, these monsters may be awake all night and are on the verge of suffication in a home of such small diameter. They are so small, that they can fit in your pocket. Wild Pokemon in the environment are captured despite having a family in their home. META has already found many types of Pokemon, most specifically the populous "Pikachu" (pictured above), who have been found laying on the verge of death in the wild or inside an abandoned Poke-ball. Our mission is to stop this cruelty and rescue as many Pokemon as we can.